Nilai akhir statprob baru aja keluar, jadi sekalian gue review aja wkwkwk. Mata kuliah ini normalnya diambil di semester 4, tapi karena gue punya sisa slot SKS, gue memutuskan untuk ngambil matkul ini di semester 3. So here we are.
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- Berhubung pendaftaran asdos udah dimulai lagi, gue mau sharing tentang pengalaman gue ngasdos (jadi Asisten Dosen) semester lalu.
- Udah mau akhir semester. Udah tahun baru pula. Setahun kemarin rasanya kurang berwarna, ya? Staying at home for an entire year really messes with my sense of time. Padahal dulu-dulu gue sering bercanda, we need a six-month-long holiday, twice a year.
- Somebody was actually waiting for review Matdas :D I'm glad these reviews have been helpful and entertaining to some people. Jadi kesempatan kali ini, gue akan mengilas balik tentang the terror of Matematika Dasar 1. Let's begin.
- Time for part 2~ ;) This is what happened for the rest of the semester.