I thought at least one other person would have the same problem I’m having, so here’s how I solved this “Mau nulis pake LaTeX tapi ngga mau di browser ataupun di dedicated IDE, harus di vscode” problem.
- This time we’ll be talking about UI guideline, what it is, why it’s important, and how my team created (well, technically adapted one) for our project.
- This time I’m writing about CI/CD. Another word similar to it is automation, which I like to use :D Because why do something manually when you can automate~
- To be completely honest, cleaning is not my most favorite thing in the world. In this article, I’m going do discuss about why we should write clean code so we wouldn’t have to clean up after ourselves later.
- I don’t know how to write an introduction for this one. Without further ado, let’s talk about scrum.
- This time, I’m going to talk about refactoring. I found that it is something we eventually ought to do at some point in the project, because the code we write for the first time is often not the greatest version of it.
- This time we'll talk about the literal backbone of working on a software engineering project as a team: version controlling with git.
- Back again with another dev log of Ajaib on DEX~ Today we're going to talk ten usability heuristics and how we applied them to our visual design.
- It's my first project with React Native and I had to do it the TDD way. How did I do it? Here's front-end testing for dummies™
- Today I'm going to talk about Personas and how it can help us understand our user's perspective and needs.
- Alright, time to review the most mind-opening course of all! Ini sekitar 4 jam menuju UTS adprog dan gue belom latihan untuk sesi programming, and I’m here writing instead, haha. Nevertheless, here’s how I survived Aljabar Linear.
- Gelo, udah mau tengah semester tapi ini review belom jadi-jadi ditulis wkwkwk. Habisnya liburan cuman seuprit, terus dipenuhi dengan perbudakan, jadi ngga bisa nyempetin banyak-banyak. There's a lot to cover, mari kita mulai saja. :D Enjoy the ride~
- So, uh, I’m here instead of grinding for the coming UTS. But well, since It’s April Camp anyway, let’s see how this goes. Kali ini gue mau cerita tentang SDA, matkul yang katanya paling diwanti-wanti di semester tiga. Here’s how I got through it.
- Gue baru aja research tentang mata kuliah untuk semester depan, and I realized how reviews like the ones I'm writing are so valuable. Blog-walking dari blog satu kating ke kating lainnya itu jadi sumber informasi berharga, dan dari membaca review-review mereka, gue jadi tau informasi apa yang pengen gue ketahui dan informasi mana yang beneran berguna. So here goes, review basdat~
- Nilai akhir statprob baru aja keluar, jadi sekalian gue review aja wkwkwk. Mata kuliah ini normalnya diambil di semester 4, tapi karena gue punya sisa slot SKS, gue memutuskan untuk ngambil matkul ini di semester 3. So here we are.
- Berhubung pendaftaran asdos udah dimulai lagi, gue mau sharing tentang pengalaman gue ngasdos (jadi Asisten Dosen) semester lalu.
- Udah mau akhir semester. Udah tahun baru pula. Setahun kemarin rasanya kurang berwarna, ya? Staying at home for an entire year really messes with my sense of time. Padahal dulu-dulu gue sering bercanda, we need a six-month-long holiday, twice a year.
- Somebody was actually waiting for review Matdas :D I'm glad these reviews have been helpful and entertaining to some people. Jadi kesempatan kali ini, gue akan mengilas balik tentang the terror of Matematika Dasar 1. Let's begin.
- Time for part 2~ ;) This is what happened for the rest of the semester.
- What a journey. Tau-tau udah setahun berlalu sejak gue diterima di pacil dan menjalani satu setengah semester perkuliahan (plus setengah lagi kuliah di rumah). I'm gonna write all I can remember tentang kisah gue dari semester satu, tapi karena kebanyakan memorinya sudah ditiban dengan pengalaman-pengalaman semester dua, some details might probably be off.
- Time for another matkul review~ Kali ini berhubung temen seangkatan gue udah lebih banyak yang merasakan yang namanya PSD, Pengantar Sistem Digital, review ini lebih ditujukan untuk maba-maba yang penasaran tentang kehidupan semester dua pacil (yang jauh lebih brutal dari semester pertama) atau mungkin temen-temen SI yang pengen insight sebelum DDAK.
- It is time for the dreaded matkul review. This time we're gonna be reviewing PPW, Perancangan dan Pemrograman Web (bisa jadi kebalik).
- Kelanjutan dari review semester dua karena yang part pertama terancam terlalu panjang.
- Berhubung temen-temen pada semangat nulis blog dan bikin review semesteran, gue juga jadi terinspirasi untuk join the bandwagon dan menceritakan semester dua pacil dari POV gue. It might be long, so go grab a snack and sit back, we're in for a ride :D
- Rupanya sekali mengejar deadline pukul 23:55 itu belum cukup dan nggak bikin kapok. Untuk kedua kalinya, pada pekan terakhir kuliah sebelum libur lebaran kemarin, gue dan temen sekelompok ngejar deadline pukul 23:55 lagi. This is a look-back on Tugas Kelompok PPW, the tragic story that is Shopepew.
- Published on
- Reading time
- 5 min read
Quiznya sudah berlalu dan gue baru saja melewati pekan terakhir kuliah sebelum libur lebaran. How did it go down? Lalu sekarang apa?- Published on
- Reading time
- 3 min read
55 days into the quarantine dan memasukki pekan ke-6 PJJ :)) I'm still alive. How you doing? Kondisinya saat ini mendekati UAS dan gue masih terpukul karena nilai kuis Matdas1 yang baru saja dirilis. So here's what I'm gonna do.